20 December 2010

If You're a Cyclist, Throw This Magnet at the Next Car Who Endangers Your Life

It's dangerous riding a bike in the city—crazy drivers swerving in and out can seriously hurt you. So the next time a crazy jerk cuts you off and almost kills you, throw this magnetic yellow card at his car.
It's a warning that I imagine to be fairly effective. If I saw this on my car, I'd definitely try to be more cautious of cyclists while driving. Well, unless that stupid cyclist was a complete tool bag that was hogging up the entire road. There's a friggin' bike lane for a reason you idiot! Then, it'd just infuriate me.
Still, if you ride a bike, print the PDF out and attach a magnet to it.

14 December 2010

Electric Eel Vs. Alligator

A fisherman caught a battle between an alligator and an electric eel. It's pretty shocking. Apparently, the eel survived the attack and the alligator did not.

02 December 2010

Chinese Village Of Huaxi Just Bought Its Own Air Line

A village in China just bought its own air line.
From Xinhua:
A VILLAGE in east China's Jiangsu Province has announced plans to buy 20 plans for pilot training and tourism, after the government said it would open low-altitude airspace to private planes.

Huaxi, the richest village in China, said it would have its own fleet of planes in the next five years, with the aim of establishing a pilot training base.

What is Huaxi? This amazing 8-minute video will help clear that right up. It's a village where everyone has a huge luxurious house, a luxury car (Beemers, Benzs, etc.), free cooking oil, clothes, healthcare, etc, and all they have to do is work 7 days a week for the village industrial operations, milling steel or some such industry.
Oh, and you can never leave. If you do, you lose everything. But just to make it easier to stay, the city has built replicas of the Eiffel Tour, the Sydney Opera House, and the Arc de Triumf to bring the world close to home.

22 November 2010

25 October 2010

The Truth about Facebook | U Better Be Informed! Scared Yet?

Cancer Survivor With 3 Insurance Policy But No Coverage!!!

Another 'horror story' involving medical insurance claims.  The onus is on the policyholder to understand the terms and conditions of the policy.
A policy contains 30 - 40 pages long, with legal terms only lawyers understand!  Don't bother too much with the jargon.  Just check the list of
This case is typical of customer and agent poorly
communicated.  How many people actually turn the pages of an insurance policy?

 The New Paper's report today,

Source:The Sun,News,Tuesday 31 August 2010

Dubai Aerial View

21 October 2010

Fake Seaweed from China in Malaysian Market

Someone bought a packet of seaweed from market but when she washed and soaked the seaweed, she found the seaweed was different even thought it smell like seaweed. When she checked in detail, she found out the seaweed was actually made from plastic. 

20 October 2010

China Food Safety (Poison)... SCARY!!!!

After reading this you wont eat anything that's from China. Oh dear....how can it be? Dont they have a conscience?...they mey be a super power in economy but they are bankrupt morally. A nation with NO morals and conscience!!!!
China I Love you but for me no more buying your food! sorry!!
And the story of one visitor goes as follows:
We were in Shanghai . We saw one Ah Pek selling beautiful peaches, not expensive. So, many of us bought quite many kilos of it and boarded the bus. Very happy. Where can you eat such a beautiful peach in Malaysia ? In the bus, the tourist guide started,"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry that it was not nice for me to stop you from buying from that Ah Pek. Since it 's not a big amount of money, you take it as a donation." "What do you mean?" "In November, you don't get good peaches in Shanghai . They paint the fruits." We left them behind in the bus.

The inside story of the food from China
 【1.水果上色】这是位于福州市南郊红星农场里的一个水果储存仓库,仓库里堆满了成箱的橙子,空气里弥漫着一股浓重的霉味。Mouldy fruits

老板则拿出一个小药瓶挑出一些红色粉末,倒进一盆无色油状液体里进行调和。盆里的油状物很快就变成了深红色,这种深红色的油状物被涂抹在盆子里的海绵上。随后,晾干了的橙子被放进了盆里。Dye the fruits.
据老板介绍这么做是为了给橙子打蜡上色。这种红色的粉末是一种色素,而这种油状物则是石蜡。Pigment and paraffin.
加了明矾就能使甜蜜素、味精、酒精、水分等快速渗入到桃子果肉里,既能增加重量,又能使还没成熟、味道酸涩的桃子变得清脆香甜。See the difference: Before and After
专家:明矾是不能加的,为什么呢?就是明矾当中,我们前几期节目已经谈到过,很明确,因明矾当中含有铝,这种物质对小孩影响智力,除了这以外,这整个制作的方式,这个水,就是(水中)微生物、细菌总数、大肠杆菌一定超标。所以往往会造成我们的消费者腹泻。The white stuff is alum which contains aluminium. Can retard children's brain.
2.瓜子制作令人震惊】太平街市场是安徽省蚌埠市最大的瓜子批发市场,这里销售的瓜子品种繁多,倍受消费者喜爱。这家摊主向我们介绍,这些瓜子都是当地加工的,与其他地方生产的瓜子相比,由于卖相好,颜色鲜亮,而且不容易受潮变软,所以一直卖得很好。Melon seeds, (kuachi) : Selling good
 在蚌埠市真香炒货厂记者看到,仓库里堆满了用来加工瓜子的原料,上面落满了灰尘。(空镜)老板告诉我们,他们正在加工的是白瓜子。一名工人往正在煮瓜子的锅里倒进了一种白色粉末状的东西。 记者:你放的这是什么东西?工人:明矾! 记者:放多少? 工人:随便放多少!“Hei, what are you putting in?“ “Alum." The melon seeds will look great.
消费者在购买瓜子的时候,如何鉴别优质的瓜子与加了滑石粉的、石蜡的瓜子呢?优质的西瓜子中间颜色是黄色的,四周是黑色的,两个颜色界限非常分明,劣质的产品它往往表面颜色模糊不清,同时一些加了滑石粉、石蜡的瓜子呢,他表面还有白色的结晶,因此它会有比较滑。 Left: Good. Right: No good
3.勾兑黄酒】记者:师傅你怎么用嘴吸啊?工人:不用嘴吸怎么能流出来呢?流不出来。记者:用嘴吸卫生吗?工人:不卫生那也没什么办法,把酒搞出来,不用嘴吸流不出来,是不是?"Sifu, don't you think it's unhygienic?" "How to suck it out if I don't use my mouth?" This is how they make wine.
工人正在往酒池里兑自来水。这个酒池的能装3000公斤左右的黄酒(用棍子量空镜)。但是记者用棍子丈量后发现,倒进的黄酒的深度还不到酒池深度的四分之一。Lao eh, water also can sell like wine. Rich la they.
 既然兑水是为了降低黄酒的酒精度数,那为什么在兑水之后还加入大量白酒和酒精呢?其实兑水就是为了提高产量,水卖出了酒价钱,但是由于兑水太多,所以不得不加入酒精和白酒提高酒精度。兑了自来水的黄酒口感和颜色比纯粹酿造的黄酒差了许多,因此还要进行特殊的勾兑。They call it water blending. After adding water, they put in alcohol and white spirit to make it taste more like wine.  You want to drink some more ah?? Better quit.
 既然兑水是为了降低黄酒的酒精度数,那为什么在兑水之后还加入大量白酒和酒精呢?其实兑水就是为了提高产量,水卖出了酒价钱,但是由于兑水太多,所以不得不加入酒精和白酒提高酒精度。兑了自来水的黄酒口感和颜色比纯粹酿造的黄酒差了许多,因此还要进行特殊的勾兑。After water blending, they have to thicken it artificially.
 【4.工业盐泡菜】四川家家户户几乎哪天都离不开泡菜,可现在有一位泡菜厂的老板跟我们说:他们根本不吃自己做的泡菜,只给外地人吃。难道是他们改变了多年的习惯? 工人直接用手把切好的泡菜、煮好的配料和保鲜水在一个大盆里充分的搅拌,再经过分装、封口就可以上市了。Pickled vegetable: Very easy to make. Directly put in the raw vege, ingredients, water. Then mix them well, pack and you see them in the market.
记者:这水咋是这颜色的呢?工人:兑的防烂的(药)。老板:这是用开水兑的,苯甲酸钠。记者:为什么有这么多的虫子?老板:腌(泡酸菜)的时候就有虫子,打了药就没有了。记者:这属于农用杀虫剂,是吧?工人:对,低毒的。这种“药”是什么呢?,工人和老板都说不知道。"What is this?" " Sodium benzoate." "Why so many worms?" "You sure to see them in pickling vege. But after spraying this mixture, no more worms.““Is it insecticide?" "Yes, but mild one." "What kind of mixture is that?" "We don't know."
5.平遥牛肉】说起山西平遥,那可是天下有名的古城,而平遥牛肉就是这座古城当中有名的招牌,它以独特配方、独特的生产工艺而为人称道,不过林子大了,什么鸟都有,在平遥有一位老板说,他的加工点里,不管是什么肉,都能把它加工成所谓的“平遥牛肉”来。不用牛肉也能做 The best beef is that from Shanxi . Any meat la, you give them; they turn it into beef.
他向我们透露,把这些骡马肉和牛肉掺在一起进行加工,生产出来的肉当作牛肉卖,神不知鬼不觉,一般人根本看不出来,他说,用骡马肉做牛肉算不了什么,关键是看用什么技术,只要技术过硬,无论是什么肉,经过他这里加工,都能做成所谓的平遥牛肉。The meat of mules and horses is mixed with the real beef. After processing, it tastes as good as the real beef from Shanxi .
记者:这刚打完水呀?老板:刚打完药。"You just rinse the meat?" "Well, I just sprayed insecticide."
 他告诉记者,往肉里打的并不是普通的水,而是自己配制一种特殊的药水。眼看着锅里的药水用完了,老板拿来了一个袋子,往锅里加了一些黄色的粉末,他说这就是用来调配的药,是他这里做掺假牛肉必不可少的东西。"It's not plain water; it's a special mixture. Without it, we can't turn them into beef."
 记者:这个是什么?老板:这是让别人悄悄带来的,抓住了要罚款的,是私盐,根本就不让卖。老板:盐是国家统购统销的,我们用的盐可以说是私盐。 "What is this?" "Smuggled salt. We are not supposed to use it. If caught, heavy fine."

08 October 2010

VIP Toilet

If this is a VIP Toilet ... I am afraid to ask about the Public Toilet...

05 October 2010

The Graphs Explains it ....

World’s Largest Indoor Theme Park Ferrari Opens Doors on 27th October 2010

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, the world’s largest indoor theme park and the world’s first Ferrari theme park, will open to the public on 27th October 2010.

The autocentric theme park, will offer more than 20 action-packed attractions. The big draw is the Formula Rossa (red) roller coaster, which is claimed by the Park to be the fastest in the world, with carts inspired by F1 race cars reaching grand prix-worthy speeds of 149 miles per hour.

Standard tickets cost 225 United Arab Emirate Dirhams (about $61) for adults, and 165 AED (about $45) for children. Premium tickets, which provide access to an exclusive lounge with refreshments as well as other as-yet unannounced benefits, cost 375 AED (about $102) for adult or 270 AED ($74) for more diminutive Ferrari aficionados. Both ticket levels provide unlimited access to all rides and attractions. The park will be operating on a six-day a week schedule from Tuesday to Sunday, from 12 noon each day.

04 October 2010

Funny North Korea Broadcasting of the World Cup

We all know that Brazil won 2-1 but this is how the match played out according to North Korea LOL

23 September 2010

Honda Goldwing Super-bike that tows a car

A Swedish company named Coming Through have created a ‘tow bike’ called The Retriever. Basically, it is a Honda Goldwing fitted with a stowable towing unit on the back of the bike is able to pull up to 5,500 pounds of weight.

13 September 2010

Unformed Chicken Egg

Those orange ball like thing you see there are unformed chicken eggs. They are common in older hen. They are quite a delicacy in south east Asia. Photo taken at Pasar Road market in Kuala Lumpur.

12 September 2010

The Making of Unreal Scenes in Movies

Don’t believe what you have seen in movies because many scenes in movies are unreal and we actually can’t tell which are real scenes and which are not.

11 September 2010

Pacific Sun Cruise liner in very heavy seas. Internal CCTV footage.

The impact of massive waves that struck a cruise ship during a storm off New Zealand have been revealed by CCTV footage posted on the internet.

Pacific Sun Cruise liner, carrying 1732 passengers and 671 crew, was caught in a severe storm on July 30, 2008, encountering seven-metre swells and 50 knot winds.

Passengers who were aboard the journey were offered a 25 per cent reduction in the cost of a future cruise.

10 September 2010

Piggy Cupcakes Anyone

Taken from www.lovelytreats.blogspot.com

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Land Cruiser Falls into 60 Meter Well

A well dug near the city of Ryad (Saudi Arabia) was 200 ft (60 m) deep. An unfortunate Toyota Land Cruiser driver drove in to the well while he was drifting in the desert with his friends. Rescuers were able to get the man and his car out of the well.

05 September 2010

How to use Transfer Paper for Henna Stencils


The Many Benefits of Himalayan Crystal Bath Salts

Your skin is an excretive organ that mirrors the condition of your intestines. When you take a brine bath, the salt minerals help your skin in the form of ions. Bio-energetic weak points will be balanced and your body's energy flow will be activated.

To get the full benefits of a natural crystal salt bath, the right salt concentration is critical. The salt concentration has to be at least the same as the one of your body fluids (approximately 1%) to activate the osmotic exchange ratio. The formula for a 1% solution is 1.28 ounces of salt per gallon of water.
  • Since a full tub normally takes from 100 to 120 liters (27-32 gallons) of water, at least 1.2 kg. (2.6 pounds) of natural salt is required.
  • To avoid using body energy to balance the temperature, the water should be approximately 37° Celsius (97° Fahrenheit). Your bath will remain at a constant temperature because the biophysical composition of the salt is so strong - it causes the molecules to move in a constant rhythm.
  • Do not use any bath additives, soaps, or oils.
  • Your bath should last 20 to 30 minutes. During this time, the temperature and the makeup of the brine bath is comparable to the amniotic fluid in which the embryo floats in the prenatal state.
  • Do not shower off, simply dry off with a towel.
  • After your brine bath, you should rest for at least 30 minutes.
WARNING: While brine baths have a positive effect, they are also demanding on your circulatory system. If you suffer from weak or poor heart circulation, always consult your doctor first.

How to Use the Bath Salt for Other Uses

When water and salt combine, the positive ions of the salt surround the negative ions of the water molecules and the negative ions of the salt surround the positive ions of the water molecules. The ions become hydrolyzed and the geometrical structure of the salt and the water is changed to form a completely new structure.
In this process called hydration, the biophotons (photons emitted spontaneously by all living systems) stored in the crystal salt are set free in the brine, which occurs without any additional energy. This is pure hydration. You can make your own brine right in your own home.
You can start to use crystal salt for these purposes by putting enough in water in until the solution becomes saturated. This solution is called brine and is also referred to as "sole" (so-lay). The crystal salt is available in two forms for your convenience. The larger blocks can be dissolved in water for baths.

To use the Himalayan Bath Salt you can follow these steps:
  • Loosely fill a closable glass container (Mason jar) with several crystal salt stones. Add natural spring water or purified water, completely filling the container
  • After approximately 24 hours, look to see if the salt crystals have completely dissolved. If so, add a few more crystals. When the water can no longer dissolve any more salt, the salt crystals will sit at the bottom of the jar without dissolving. At this point the solution will have become saturated at 26%, and is ready for use.
  • The glass can be refilled again and again with water and salt, continuing this process. This brine solution may be stored for years in a closed glass container without changing or decomposing.
There are many ways to directly experience the natural benefits of brine including bathing in the brine solution.
While you will certainly find many other beneficial uses for sole (brine) made from Himalayan Crystal Salt, here are some common uses:

  • Try a brine face wash, or the Himalayan Crystal Salt mixed with fragrance free, natural soap as a face or body scrub.
  • Soothe your feet with a brine foot soak.
  • Nasal Wash: Try a nasal wash with a few grains of crystal salt in ¼ cup of warm water.
  • Rub brine directly on your skin and let dry.
  • Throat: Gargle with warm brine solution, but don't swallow.

Blood Type and Your Personality- Is There a Relation?

Ever wondered why some of us are sociable and the rest are introvert? Ever given a thought on what makes people react differently in the same situation? Ever pondered what exactly determines our personality? Well, a very popular and interesting Japanese belief says that our blood type determines our personality.

For Japanese, blood is definitely thicker than water!
Furukawa Takeji (1891-1940), a doctor, was the one who proposed the idea that there is a relation between the personality and the blood type. Quite amusingly, the idea was prompted by the West. The people in the West thought that the Asians are closely related to the animals as most of the Asians and animals share the same B-type blood. Thus, they are the inferior race. This prompted a great deal of research on blood psychology, particularly in Japan. It gave birth to a new idea of blood type-personality. Studies were carried out to know how the blood type can affect various areas of our lives; including career, relationships and leisure.

When in Japan, follow the blood!
In the absence of any concrete proof, the scientific community dismisses the concept of blood type-based personality. However, this doesn’t stop the Japanese to follow the blood. Companies in Japan even divide the work force based on their blood type. It is rumored that during the World War II, the Imperial Army of Japan formed battle groups on the basis of blood type. This method is also adapted by the schools for better teaching techniques. Dating services use blood groups to check the compatibility.

So, what’s your personality?

Type O- The Warrior
Positives: Loyal, Leadership, Passionate, Trend-setter, Self-confident, Independent
Negatives: Over-ambitious, Vain, Jealous
The famous Os: John Lennon, Queen Elizabeth II, Elvis Presley, Paul Newman

Type A- The Farmer
Positives: Patient, Calm, Sensitive, Responsible
Negatives: Stubborn, Over-cautious, Restless
The famous As: George Bush Senior, Adolf Hitler, Britney Spears, Ringo Starr

Type B- The Hunter
Positives: Individualist, Strong, Optimistic, Creative, Flexible
Negatives: Rebellious, Wild, Unpredictable
The famous Bs: Paul McCartney, Akira Kurosawa, Leonardo Di Caprio, Jack Nicholson

Type AB- The Humanist
Positives: Controlled, Rational, Popular, Sociable
Negatives: Standoffish, Critical, Indecisive
The famous ABs: John F Kennedy, Mick Jaggar, Marilyn Monroe, Jackie Chan

With whom are you compatible?
Type A with A and AB
Type B with B and AB
Type AB with A, B, AB and O
Type O with O and AB

7 Superfoods with the Smallest Footprint

We all want to get the most out of what we eat, and a varied diet is always the best way to do that. That said, some foods pack more nutrients per punch than others—here is a look at some that bring the most potent benefits with minimal (for the most part) impact on the environment.